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  • roycefreeman657

A Guide to Picking The Right Bong Bowls and Water Pipe Slide

Those who smoke dry herbs need more than just a bong and seek to buy more than one bong. However, the number of bongs they have will never be enough until they get a bong bowl or bond slide. This is an accessory that is usually attached to the bong to enhance their smoking experience. You can term it the bong slide or bong bowl as the most vital element on a bong. It is where the to be smoked weed is packed. The bong comes with a bong bowl and the water pipe slide. The water pipe represents the female, while the bong bowl is regarded as male. The effectiveness of your bong is determined by how the water pipe and the bowl fit each other. When selecting a bong bowl, discover more about it before purchasing.

The herb to be used will determine your choice for a bong slide. Are you using dry or concentrated oils? If you smoke concentrated herbs, then a dag ring is recommended, but you should get a perfect bowl for dry herbs. Another factor to take note of is the total smokers who will be using the bong slide. Considering that you will need a bong bowl to use a bong, the usage rate should also be considered. Purchasing a proper bong bowl will be reliant on the parties expected to use it, among other elements. You can always check it out in the online shop on your choice. Pay attention to the bong slide's durability, and mainly if it is meant for multiple users where proper care may be a challenge.

The materials that make bong bowls or bong slides vary in quality and thickness. Most popular bowls are made of glass, wood, ceramic, or plastic. Of course, contrary to other materials, glass is fragile, but it gives you a clear view of the water quality and its bubbling effects as you gauge and take your puff. Ceramic makes thicker bows and is customizable. Besides, their bowls are more durable than glass bowls. Wooden bowls are stylish and strong. Well, then plastic bowls are great, where handling is difficult. Anyhow, thicker is more preferred since it offers durability and strength. That said, whatever material you choose, go for a thicker bowl. Then, go for a bong bowl or bong slide you can afford. Note the price is reliant to the bong bowl's measure, how many smokers it can accommodate, quality, the weed to be smokes, material, thickness, fitting, style, and how convenient it is to clean. If you are a first-time buyer, take note of these points and make choices that suit you. For more details on glass bongs, click here:

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